Perancangan Kursi Yang Ergonomis Untuk Meminimalisir Kelelahan Pada Pekerja Laundry


  • Damzuri Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Jambi
  • Diana Chandra Dewi Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Jambi
  • Erna Rahayu Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Jambi



Manufacture Design, Chairs Laundry, Ergonomic, Anthropometry


The development of laundry business in Indonesia is currently experiencing rapid growth, found many laundry services in big cities and also remote areas, based on data Association of Professional Laundry Indonesia (APLI) in 2013, Indonesia is the country with the second largest laundry service growth rate after China, Jambi city is one of the cities that currently found a laundry business, one of the object of research is Izoel Laundry is one of the laundry business in the area of ​​Villa Kenali RT 37 Mayang Mangurai- Jambi City. measurements made on several dimensions high popliteal sitting, shoulder height, width of head, hip widht, high shoulder to head, shoulder width, popliteal butt. Based on the results of the research Seat height 47.23 cm,seatstandheight 48.38 cm, headrest height 23.82 cm, seat width 37.57 cm, seat back width 37.00 cm, headrest width 17.98 cm,seat length 46.27 cm.Plasticbased chairs because the level of physical endurance is still weak, after anthropometric measurements, researchers tried to design a chair that is expected to solve problems for laundry workers, have a system that can be adjusted, have a cushion on the seat and rear, It has flexible backing support, the seat has been adjusted to the size of the body, manual lock system in some places.


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How to Cite

Damzuri, Dewi, D. C., & Rahayu, E. (2022). Perancangan Kursi Yang Ergonomis Untuk Meminimalisir Kelelahan Pada Pekerja Laundry. Jurnal Teknik Mesin Dan Industri (JuTMI), 1(1), 14–18.