Implementation of Customer Satisfaction Service Quality for Teller Services at PT. Sinarmas Bank


  • Maharani Kurnia
  • Diana Chandra Dewi
  • Corry Handayani
  • Danang Mulyadipa Suratno Sekolah Tinggi Teknologi Nasional Jambi



ServQual, Kepuasan Nasabah


Analyzing the implementation of service quality and customer satisfaction with teller services at PT. Sinarmas Bank. The method used is a survey by distributing questionnaires to Bank Sinarmas customers who have used teller services. The results showed that the service quality of Bank Sinarmas tellers had a significant effect on customer satisfaction. Factors such as service speed, information clarity, teller expertise, and service friendliness have a positive impact on customer satisfaction. The practical implication of this research is that PT. Bank Sinarmas can improve the quality of their teller services by improving aspects that affect customer satisfaction, so as to retain existing customers and attract new customers


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How to Cite

Maharani Kurnia, Diana Chandra Dewi, Corry Handayani, & Mulyadipa Suratno, danang. (2023). Implementation of Customer Satisfaction Service Quality for Teller Services at PT. Sinarmas Bank. Jurnal Teknik Mesin Dan Industri (JuTMI), 2(2), 30–37.


