Perancangan Operation Process Chart Dan Pengukuran Waktu Baku Dengan Metode Stopwatch Time
Downtime, Standard Time, Operation ProcessAbstract
The size of human labor is the main factor determining efforts to increase industrial productivity. Time measurement is also intended to obtain the standard time for completion of work, namely the time required is reasonable, normal and best. Perabot Ginok is an UKM in Jambi engaged in the manufacturing industry which is estimated to produce 300 chairs per month. Due to the absence of a standard time and an out of order chair manufacturing process, there are several product orders that are on a waiting list. This study aims to determine the standard time to produce a chair unit, determine the targets that can be met and design the OPC. Interviews were conducted with employees to obtain data on work elements and time for making chairs. Observation of each work element of making one chair unit 20 times. The result of the standard time used to make 1 chair unit is 60 minutes with a total allowance time of 6.24 minutes so that the target that can be met by the ginok furniture is in one day 8 chairs (240 chairs / month) and the OPC results are 20 processes, 1 inspection, and 1 storage, as well as 4 parts of the process, namely support, backrest and seat cover, chair front leg and chair back leg with a total time of 3626 seconds.
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