Implementasi Pengendalian Persediaan Meteran Sambungan Baru PDAM Tirta Mayang Dengan Metode EOQ
Inventory control, EOQ method, EfficiencyAbstract
PDAM Tirta Mayang is the company that manages the water treatment in Jambi city. The growth of society followed by the enhancement of the number of houses made the new installation out of control sometimes. It makes the stock of water meters in the company should be analyzed. The inventory of the water meter needs to be calculated for the sake of the community needs can be covered every time needed, whereas in the company the overstock does not occur. For efficiency of inventory and cost value, the data will be analyzed by using EOQ method. The calculation show that the company must order the water meter 14 times in a year with the number of orderings is 1752 units for each order. These processes will save Rp.102.735.000, - of company in a year.
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